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Melokia Lomilomi
First Lokahi Lomilomi private salon & Massage school now open
in Railway Estate, Townsville, Australia
Authentic Hawaiian massage for women
What's Lomilomi ?
Lomilomi is a one of Hawaiian healing art originating from the Hawaiian Islands, passed down through native Hawaiian family lineage.
Lokahi Lomilomi
Lokahi Lomilomi is Native Hawaiian Kumu lomi Dane Kaheolani Silva's style of Lomilomi. His skills were past on to him from OHANA( Hawaiian family), KUMU( Teacher) and KAHUNA( Master). He began as a Chiropractic Doctor where he began his research into the human anatomy and also practiced as a lomilomi therapist and KUMU(Teacher) for over 30 years.
Lokahi Lomilomi will relieve chronic inflammation, realign your body and to use energy work to purifying energy blockages.

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