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Melokia Lomilomi
First Lokahi Lomilomi private salon & Massage school now open
in Railway Estate, Townsville, Australia
Authentic Hawaiian massage for women

Yumiko Suzuki
Lokahi Lomilomi & Maternity Touch Lomilomi
Certified Massage Therapist and Instructor
Lokahi Lomilomi Essential course (2012)
Level 2A in Hawaii (2013)
Level 2B & Level 1 in Hawaii (2016)
Level 3A in Hawaii ( 2017)
Lokahi Lomilomi teachers training course (2017)
Level 3B & Lokahi Lomilomi Lominoho teachers training (2018)
Lokahi Lomilomi clinical shoulder course (2019 )
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (2022 )
Maternity touch Lomilomi (2014)
As a registered member of the Massage Association of Australia and CPE provider instructor in MAA.
Registered member of ' Ahahui Lomilomi Hawai'i.
Registered member of Lokahi Lomilomi Australia.
Current Senior First Aid Certificate, you are in safe hands.
I am mother of 2 kids (daughter and son), and have a passion to share my Hawaiian gift of ALOHA to everyone.
ABN : 20 467 827 289
Melokia Lomilomi
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